GM-05 Line of Sight and Viewshed

Sample Data:

Point Cloud (2013 aerial, colorized with 2014 imagery)

DEM Ground

DEM Full (resampled)

Load up some surface data.

Load up some surface data.

There's a house a ways from the water.  Do they have any real clear views of Nantucket Sound?

There's a house a ways from the water.  Do they have any real clear views of Nantucket Sound?

Here's a surface model of the ground points.  

Here's a surface model of the ground points.  

Like so many functions, you have to play with the numbers and options.  You get used to the options.

Like so many functions, you have to play with the numbers and options.  You get used to the options.

The line of sight sees through everything.

The line of sight sees through everything.

At the top you can see the amount of obstruction.

At the top you can see the amount of obstruction.

So we change some variables.

So we change some variables.

And we can see over the ground.

And we can see over the ground.

I went back to the cloud and created a surface with all the points on.  It would be better to classify the buildings to reduce the trees.

I went back to the cloud and created a surface with all the points on.  It would be better to classify the buildings to reduce the trees.

Again, play with the numbers.

Again, play with the numbers.

And you may be able to see that you can see through the trees and over a building.

And you may be able to see that you can see through the trees and over a building.

But that was so one dimensional.  How about looking around?

But that was so one dimensional.  How about looking around?

This Viewshed tool  has several variables to adjust.

This Viewshed tool  has several variables to adjust.

But you can work it into a view.

But you can work it into a view.

At least it directs you to research areas for a potential view.

At least it directs you to research areas for a potential view.

Do you have more questions?